Environment and research
Appropriate to the organization
The main activities of RK Consulting (EOD) Ltd are based around providing advice and support to clients on dealing with the problems caused by contamination by explosive ordnance. This may involve activities such as:
- · Provision of technical advice
- · Project design
- · Training
- · Monitoring and evaluation
- · Accident investigation
This environmental policy is intended to minimise the environmental impact of these services, and is based on the qualification of Dr Keeley as an ISO 14000 lead auditor in 2003.
Continual improvement
RK Consulting (EOD) Ltd undertakes to continually improve environmental performance wherever possible, either directly or in terms of advice provided to clients.
Prevention of pollution
In particular, this commitment includes the prevention of pollution, including solid, liquid and gaseous wastes where these are relevant to the conduct of the activities of the organisation.
Comply with legal and other requirements
RK Consulting (EOD) Ltd will always comply with legal requirements and the environmental policies of clients.
Framework for objectives and targetы
RK Consulting (EOD) Ltd will always:
· Minimise the requirement to travel by
air, thus reducing climate footprint wherever possible.
· Minimise the use of paper documents, using documents
in electronic format wherever possible.
Mine action and the environment
Under the principle of 'do no harm' it is important that we do not 'destroy the village in order to save it. Thus mine action activities must not only ensure that their routine does not release liquid or gaseous wastes into the environment, and leave solid pollutants behind (such as batteries), but also that 'demining machines' do not cause environmental damage to soils whilst being used. This picture, taken in Cambodia in 2004, shows the effect of 'smear' (the breaking down of soil structures) on an otherwise area of fertile ground.